Nmap Script指令摘要
這個指令利用不安全的檔案上傳表單來進行網頁應用程式的攻擊,使用各種技巧,例如更改 Content-type 表頭 (header) 或建立包含攻擊負載的有效圖檔中的註釋;Content-type 表頭通常用於指出傳送的資料類型,攻擊者可以嘗試更改這個表頭的值,讓伺服器誤以為接收到的是合法的檔案類型,然而實際上可能是包含惡意內容的檔案。
Nmap Script指令參數
這個指令會嘗試填寫上傳表單中的每個字元欄位,但由於字元欄位可能存在限制,所以有時候自動填寫可能會失敗;在這種情況下,可以使用 http-fileupload-exploiter.fieldvalues 選項來手動填寫這些字元欄位;例如,你可以使用以下方式手動填寫一些字元:
{gender = "男性", email = "foo@bar.com"}
Nmap Script指令參數
用於指定包含要利用的上傳表單的頁面列表,例如,{/upload.php, /login.php};預設值為 nil(啟用爬蟲模式)。
包含上傳文件的目錄列表,例如,{/avatars, /photos};預設值為 {'/uploads', '/upload', '/file', '/files', '/downloads'}。
查看 slaxml函式庫的文件以進行除錯。
httpspider.doscraping, httpspider.maxdepth, httpspider.maxpagecount, httpspider.noblacklist, httpspider.url, httpspider.useheadfornonwebfiles, httpspider.withindomain, httpspider.withinhost
這些選項與 httpspider函式庫有關,用於爬取網站的資訊,可以查看該函式庫了解詳細資訊。
smbdomain, smbhash, smbnoguest, smbpassword, smbtype, smbusername
這些選項與 smbauth函式庫有關,用於 SMB 認證,可以查看該函式庫了解詳細資訊。
http.host, http.max-body-size, http.max-cache-size, http.max-pipeline, http.pipeline, http.truncated-ok, http.useragent
這些選項與 http函式庫有關,用於設定 HTTP 請求的相關參數,可以查看該函式庫了解詳細資訊。
Nmap Script指令範例
nmap -p80 --script http-fileupload-exploiter.nse <target>
This script discovers the upload form on the target's page and
attempts to exploit it using 3 different methods:
1) At first, it tries to upload payloads with different insecure
extensions. This will work against a weak blacklist used by a file
name extension verifier.
2) If (1) doesn't work, it will try to upload the same payloads
this time with different Content-type headers, like "image/gif"
instead of the "text/plain". This will trick any mechanisms that
check the MIME type.
3) If (2), doesn't work, it will create some proper GIF images
that contain the payloads in the comment. The interpreter will
see the executable inside some binary garbage. This will bypass
any check of the actual content of the uploaded file.
* Use the vulns library to report.
Nmap Script指令輸出
80/tcp open http syn-ack
| Testing page /post.html
| Successfully uploaded and executed payloads:
| Filename: 1.php, MIME: text/plain
|_ Filename: 1.php3, MIME: text/plain
Nmap Script作者:
George Chatzisofroniou
License: Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html